Start of production activities under the corporate name COBRES DE COLOMBIA LTDA, with the refining and transformation of copper into high conductivity wire rod.

Manufacturing of plates and bars for the electrical sector.

Manufacturing of solid copper grounding rods.

Brass products for the mechanical sector. Beginning of the refined copper exports.

2000 – 2005
Reduction of environmental impacts by implementing technological upgrades (introduction of natural gas into our process). ISO 14001 Certification. Achieved the CVC environmental excellence award in 2005.

2006 – 2011
Exports of copper platens to Mexico, Venezuela, USA, Central America. Obtained the ISO 9001 Certification.

2012 – 2017
Certification of the Copperground® grounding rod under UL Label.
Obtained the OHSAS 18001 Certification.
Entered into the market of special value added products for the railway sector, manufacturing copper parts for motors and special hole-less profiles for electrical applications.

Manufacture of the Copperground brand grounding kit was started and patented under certificate No. 1268 from the Colombian superintendency of industry and commerce.

2018 – HOY
Investing in cleaner technology equipment, increasing our participation in foreign markets (USA and Mexico). Emphasizing in innovation and higher value added products, implementation of the TPS culture in the operation of the company.

Cobres de Colombia S.A.S receives the renewable energy certificate – I-REC, granted by EPM.